- July 29, 2016
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As a US Marine Corps veteran, I understand the importance of not only self-defense but also eliminating any tactical limitations in an ever changing environment. I’m sure most of you have heard the motto of the Marines Corps as “Semper Fi” or “Always faithful” but there’s also another play on words we use, “Semper Gumby” or “Always flexible”.
Unfortunately we have people in America that have been working tirelessly to strip us of our rights. As law abiding citizens, in order to remain law abiding, we have to adapt to our legal environment in order to remain tactically functional.
As a citizen that loves my country and my fellow Americans, I would like to share with you some valuable information I discovered regarding your ability to defend yourself while transporting firearms in California.
Have you ever heard the following?
“You cannot carry your loaded magazine or even your ammunition in the same container while driving. In fact you must by law, carry your firearm in a separate area of your car than the ammunition. One has to be in the trunk and the other has to be in your car. Both locked.”
This is false according to the California Highway Patrol and 2016 CA Penal Code.
CA gun laws are so complicated that a lot of misinformation has spread throughout the firearms community over the years. This might be due to gun control propaganda or alternatively could be gun store owners rightfully covering their asses as CA politicians want to eliminate all of us.
In order to clear up any misinformation and provide law abiding CA gun owners with the facts, I wanted to share with everyone the California Highway Patrol’s current information regarding driving with ammunition or a loaded magazine while in California.
According to the CHP while traveling in California, can I legally carry without a CCW the ammunition in the same container or trunk as my firearm? Yes.
“California law does not recognize concealed weapon permits from other states; therefore, they would not be held valid. If you wish to transport a handgun during your California visit, it should be carried unloaded in a locked container. In the absence of a suitable container, you may secure the unloaded handgun in the locked trunk of a passenger car. Ammunition may be kept in the same container or trunk, but the handgun must remain unloaded with no rounds in the cylinder and no loaded magazines in the magazine well.” -CHP’s website.
As the CHP stated above, a locked container is required but you are able to carry a loaded magazine in the same container as your firearm as long as the magazine is not inserted in the magazine well. You can also view this information on the CA DOJ’s website with referenced penal code citation below.
The bottom line…
With a locked container, you are able to transport your firearm with ammunition while in California.
Functional solution…
SUPERTOOL’s Magnetic : Locking : Case
All the products we make were first created for personal use to remain tactically functional in our ever changing legal environment. After 6 years of hard work, our products originally designed for personal use are now available to everyone.
-George Phillips
Founder, Supertool USA
Check our our Magnetic Locking Cases HERE.
In order to view this information on the CHP’s website click HERE.
In order to view this information on the State of California Department of Justice’s (CA DOJ) wesite click HERE.